Founded an English Medium School, Kerala Samajam Model School in 1982 and have been the Chairman of it since then.
Founded Kerala Public School Trust in 1992 under which six English Medium Schools, two Hindi Medium Schools and five free Afternoon Schools function. The Trust has also taken over the management responsibility of two Residential Tribal Schools from Govt. of Jharkhand. Have been the Founder Chairman of the Trust since 1992.
Brought the City-based unaided Schools together for effective and sustained implementation of various activities. Have been the Secretary of the Jharkhand unaided private educational institutions since its inception.
Formed Eco Task Force to enable the nature-loving citizens, NGOs, private enterprises and the Government departments to come together for conservation activities.
Recognition on Organisation Level
Vijaya Gujral Award for Education for the under-privileged from Vijaya Gujral Foundation, Delhi.
Akshay National Award by Akshay Pustakanidhi of Kerala
Award for Best Green School Chain instituted by Centre for Science & Environment, New Delhi.
Best Eco Club Award instituted by Tata Steel successively for two years.
Best Eco Club Award by the KPS Trust bagged twice.
All Asia Bournvita Quiz Contest Champonship won by Kerala Samajam Model School in the year 2001.
On Personal Level
Karmaveer Puraskaar from Indian Confederation of NGOs.
Varishtha Shree Award from Dignity Foundation
Nagar Ratan Award from Successors of Freedom Fighters Assn.
Award from Giants’ Group
District Administration invited to receive the Torch of Commonwealth Games when it entered Jamshedpur on 7th August 2010.
Quote of the day.
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.
Late Founder ChairmanVice Chairperson
Late A. P. R. Nair (Founder Chairman) Founded Kerala Public School Trust in 1992 under which six English Medium Schools, two Hindi Medium Schools and five free Afternoon Schools function.
Mrs Vijayam Kartha the Vice Chairperson, Kerala Public School Trust, Jamshedpur and the Director, Kerala Samajam Hindi School.